Portugal - iNaturalist World Tour

Portugal - iNaturalist Tour Mundial

We stay in the Iberian Peninsula for the 19th stop on the iNaturalist World Tour: Portugal. As the map below shows, Portugal includes the islands of the Azores and Madeira off the coast of North Africa where @marcoschmidtffm has made many observations.

But it's easier to see what's happening on the Iberian Penninsula if we zoom in. There is a cluster of top observers in the Algarve region where @valter @mjcorreia and @flight69 are based. Moving north, there is another cluster around Lisbon (e.g. @jpsilva, @ldacosta, @pbeja65). @francisco100 and @duarte's observations are centered to the north of Lisbon. @avepel is the top observer near Braga.

The growth graph is dominated by the peak in July 2018 when, under the leadership of @luis2 and @ldacosta the BioDiversity4all project moved from the Observado platform to iNaturalist (as the Portugal node of the iNaturalist Network). We helped users copy over their observations. Unfortunately the vast majority (70,000) of the observations we copied belong to @francisco100 who has only made a single observation since. (@francisco100 please let us know if there's anything we can do to get you more comfortable using iNaturalist!). It's likely that the BioDiversity4All collaboration has helped drive the increase in observations per month since 2018.

@duarte is the top identifier in Portugal. @valter, @rafaelmatias, and @ldacosta lead in plant, insect, and bird identifications respectively. Many thanks to @pbeja65 and other top identifiers for providing their local expertise.

What can we to make iNaturalist better in Portugal? Please share your thoughts below or on this forum post.

@francisco100 @mjcorreia @ahospers @valter @jpsilva @flight69 @duarte @ldacosta @pbeja65 @rafaelmatias

We’ll be back tomorrow with Costa Rica!

Publicado el julio 12, 2019 07:18 TARDE por loarie loarie


FYI @loarie I think you forgot to include the Azores...

Publicado por duarte hace alrededor de 5 años

Agree, @duarte: the Azores include some endemic species and an interesting mix of (mostly) European and (mostly) American species.

Thanks @loarie for this World Tour and for these insights on Portugal's biodiversity!

Publicado por jpsilva hace alrededor de 5 años

ok Azores are now up - sorry about that

Publicado por loarie hace alrededor de 5 años

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