Want to participate?

Are you keen to participate?

  1. Download the app and practice! Please ask below if you have any queries.
  2. Contact us below, suggesting how you may help.
    We need people to help with:

  3. leading bioblitzes (events at which laypeople and experts meet to discover the fauna and or flora and or fungi of a place and record it) during the event
  4. organizing hikes and expeditions
  5. linking up other activities with the challenge: for instance, walking groups, running groups, hiking groups, safety patrols, fairs, beach cleanups, hacks, etc. to combine to regular activities with observing for the challenge.
  6. helping reserve managers and friends groups to prepare, organize, run and make fun events in our reserves during the four days. This can be bringing in schools, recruiting new members, general lay events, bioblitzes and other events.
  7. arranging sponsorship for disadvantaged schools and groups to visit our nature reserves in conjunction with CTEET.
  8. monitoring plants in our city streets and parks to record what is where and the status (including absence!) of various plagues such as Polyphagous Shothole Borer Beetle, and Gum Clamshell Lerp.
  9. anything else you can think of.

We will put you in touch with the relevant person to realize your dream ...

Publicado el octubre 15, 2019 08:19 TARDE por tonyrebelo tonyrebelo


Herewith are some resources to help you to plan and explore Cape Town's biodiversity for the City Nature Challenge. We have loaded checklists and places on iNaturalist, so much of this data is a click away. Our aim with the challenge is to improve these resources for both visitors and managers!

Here are the questions asked in 2019. All are still current and topical.


We have updated these and made them current and topical. Please see https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/city-nature-challenge-2020-cape-town/journal/29259-cape-town-city-nature-challenge-2020-faq
If your question is not in the list, please ask below.

Publicado por tonyrebelo hace casi 5 años


We will summarize media content as a separate news item when the time arises, and update it regularly. The 2019 Media is here:

Publicado por tonyrebelo hace casi 5 años

Everyone is still mulling over the possibilities. But 2020 looks like we will have lots of fun events.

For some theoretical guidance see:
for what we did last year see:

If you have some novel and exciting ideas, please tell us (comment below)

Publicado por tonyrebelo hace casi 5 años

There are also some cool projects - why not participate in them!:
If you have an exciting project that you will like to include, tell us about it (comment below).

•• Cape Town Ant Atlas - Atlassing Ants is Awesome!

•• Cape Town School Nature Challenge - Is your class taking part?

•• Polyphagous Shothole Borer Beetle Atlas - Help us map this scourge.

Publicado por tonyrebelo hace casi 5 años

Is the ANY chance of organising a bioblitz to Robben Island?

Publicado por cpt_cj hace más de 4 años

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