Court Blocks Trump Administration Plans to Strip Sage-grouse Protections.

A federal judge today blocked Trump administration plans allowing expanded drilling, mining, livestock grazing and other destructive activities across 51 million acres of greater sage-grouse habitat in seven western states: Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, Nevada, California and Oregon.

Publicado el octubre 16, 2019 11:15 TARDE por biohexx1 biohexx1


The hunters in Northern California were telling me that these were already hard to find.

" Sage Grouse Hunting"
Sage Grouse Season Closed for 2019

Sage grouse hunting is closed for the 2019 season. In 2017, the Fish and Game Commission adopted quotas of zero for all sage grouse hunting zones due to declining population estimates conducted by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and this closure remains in effect.

Publicado por carolr hace casi 5 años

I am sure they are. With birds dying off from climate change, over-development, pollution, etc., I can see these and other threatened/endangered species struggling.

Publicado por biohexx1 hace casi 5 años

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