Cribsheet Notes from Tony Rebelo

A list of pre-written cribsheet notes from Tony Rebelo for posting as comments, posted as comments

Publicado el diciembre 14, 2019 06:58 TARDE por jeremygilmore jeremygilmore


Please join the project "Habitats (s Afr)".

Click here:
The join button is in the top right hand corner. Once you have joined, can you please add the project to all your future observations in Southern Africa? It gives us extremely useful data on species' habitat preferences and it will help you to understand the ecology of the species and ecosystems you are in. If you want to find out more about our Southern African ecology, there are details of the major ecosystems in the project journal.

Publicado por jeremygilmore hace casi 5 años

Please add the project "Habitats (s Afr)" to your app and join the project.

Can you please add the project to all your future observations? It is really quick with the app (projects are on the bottom of the screen). It gives us extremely useful data on species' habitat preferences and it will help you to understand the ecology of the species and ecosystems you are in. If you want to find out more about our Southern African ecosystems, there are details of the major systems in the project journal.

Publicado por jeremygilmore hace casi 5 años

Please join the NEMBA Projects. If you join them, then the projects will automatically show alongside your observation under "Projects" the moment you have a positive ID.

To join, click here:
(the join option is in the upper right hand corner).

There are a dozen projects showing invasive alien species of different NEMBA (National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act) status: if you want the actual NEMBA status to display, please join all these projects. It will take about 5 minutes, but it is a worthwhile investment for future observations.

Click on each project in the list (use your mouse wheel to open them in new tabs) and join them.

*Note that the observation joins the relevant project automatically - whether you join or not. This is about it displaying alongside under "Projects" on your observations.

Publicado por jeremygilmore hace casi 5 años

Please add the interaction(s).

Instructions for the iNaturalist web page (it is not as easy on the app):

Step 0 (a once off, you only do this once):
Join this project (see top right hand corner - click join):
Click agree and save.

You are now ready to add the interaction.

Step 1.
Mouse-wheel-click duplicate (on top next to the EditV - press V and duplicate)
Go to the new tab with the observation and save it.
Name it if you can.
Copy the URL.

Step 2
Come back here:
In the Projects box, type interac ... (until the project shows) and click to select.
This is the active organism, so select the appropriate interaction:
e.g. Visiting a flower of, or Parasitizing ...
& paste the URL into the box.
Add (just the one) the interaction and add the project (at the bottom of the box).
Copy the URL of this observation.

Step 3
Go back to the other observation.
This is the "passive" organism, so we don't worry about the type of interaction.
In the Projects box, type interac ... (until the project shows) and click to select.
Paste the URL into the "Passive partner" box (at the bottom).
Add (just the one) the interaction and add the project (at the bottom of the box).

Both observations now show the interaction and link to each other.

Publicado por jeremygilmore hace casi 5 años

Please fix your locality resolution (or locality accuracy, or locality error).

Too large an accuracy, or missing accuracy, means that the data is not incorporated into checklists for the smaller nature reserves and places, and cannot be used for conservation planning and red listing purposes. Ideally we like it to be 2-5m accuracy, but often one is uncertain, or does not know quite where one was, in which case it might be 100's of metres. But please - if you genuinely do not know know where you were - don't make them too precise, even if it is to the nearest km or two.

You need to enter this in when you add your observations. It shows up as a circle showing the area in which you were where you are uncertain as to exactly where the point should be. You can enter the value directly in metres for the radius of the circle.
Please see how to enter these when uploading you data in this tutorial:

Here is your list of observations without the locality accuracy recorded:

To fix it, please click "Edit" (up top) and type in the value in the "Acc (m)" box and/or adjust the circle around your locality in the map. While at it, please give a decent locality name (the Google Map's names are atrociously vague) - but be careful not to press "search" after entering the name as that will corrupt your coordinates.

...and save.


Please check your locality and date. Something appears to have gone wrong and it was not properly recorded. Edit the observation and include them, save and double check.

Publicado por jeremygilmore hace casi 5 años

Have you set your default settings to optimise the view for Southern Africa?

Please check:

Just check that you are happy with your profile. It can be a very short phrase stating your interests, or a complete, unabridged CV. It is entirely up to you, but it is helpful to other users who want to check your specialities and preferences.

Also please check these:
Search place: Southern Africa (or more locally if you prefer) [this is the region that iNaturalist will default to most of the time]
Names > Place (Prioritise common names used in this place): Southern Africa. We have our local English names here, although unfortunately they are not yet loaded for any particular country so please use the region if you want our names. If you want Afrikaans or any other language - vernacular names, then change the language to Afrikaans).

*Note if you do not choose "Southern Africa", you will default to the global names, which are strongly Americo-centric and you probably won't recognise many of them.

At this stage we are not yet a community, but soon you should join iNaturalist-s-Afr under the iNaturalist Network Affiliation. That will allow southern African countries to access your data for conservation planning, red list assessment and research projects, via their national research institutes.

Have fun!

Publicado por jeremygilmore hace casi 5 años

This is a duplicate of an another observation of yours: please group observations of the same animal/plant at the same place and time in a single observation. (Best done on the website).

Please separate out each species into its own observation. iNaturalist can only cope with one species per observation. On the web version you can use the "Duplicate option on the EditV" button to easily copy the observation: un-tick the pictures that you don't want to include and then save. But please double-check the locality that it is correct. Afterwards delete the multiple observation.

Please sync your app to upload your pictures (sometimes the picture does not load properly). If this was a mistake and is not a valid observation, then please delete this.

Please check your locality and date. Something appears to have gone wrong and it was not properly recorded. Edit the observation and include them, save and double-check.

Thanks for the observation. This has many species that can be used for an observation. I have chosen this one. You can duplicate this observation for another: click the "V" on the EditV button on the top right of the page, and select "Duplicate", add an ID or note stating which animal/plant features, and save.

Publicado por jeremygilmore hace más de 4 años

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