Saw another Monardella today

Today I saw another Monardella in blossom in Marin Headlands. I've seen three in the past week - on Wolf's Ridge Trail, on the Alta Trail, and today on the Coastal Trail west of the roundabout on Conzelman Rd.

Today's Monardella was growing mostly underneath a sagebrush plant. It's cool to see how native plants can live happily together, compared with segments that are covered with invasive ivy that smothers everything.

I also saw an interesting Stachys today. The odor of the leaves was not as sharp as the more common Stachys that occurs throughout Marin Headlands.

Along the Coastal Trail segment there is also a lot of what I think are native Rubus and they are in fruit now.

Also saw another slug moving along the trail. It always worries me because a lot of bikers go through there. I stood there to protect him when one bike went through and then picked him up and placed him on a leaf along the side of the trail. I feel bad to have traumatized the poor little guy.

Publicado el junio 11, 2020 05:11 MAÑANA por fpacifica fpacifica


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