Adding observations to the project

When posting an observation to iNaturalist, please remember to add Mass Moths to the project field, otherwise they will not appear in Mass Moths (for this type of project observations are not automatically added if you are a member). You can add existing observations either by adding Mass Moths to the project field on the right of the observation page, or you can do a bulk upload by going to the Mass Moths Project page and click 'Add from your observations'. You should be prompted each time to fill in the life stage and substrate fields. If your observation is of an adult, just click 'add observation' without filling out the fields ('egg' will show in the life stage field by default, but as long as you do not press 'add' alongside it, it will not be carried over to the database).
Publicado el septiembre 18, 2020 12:10 TARDE por swhitebread swhitebread


Since I take all of my pictures with my cell phone, I use the iNaturalist app on my phone to post all of my observations. I have not yet found a way to post observations to specific projects or add Observation Fields through the phone app. I will experiment with uploading pictures to my laptop and using the online version of iNaturalist to add observations to Mass Moths. It may take a little time and practice, however. Thank you for the information, and I've enjoyed looking through the Mass Moths iNat project.

Publicado por billmac hace alrededor de 4 años

Thanks for trying. I never use the iNat app, but I do have it on my phone so I took a dummy photo to try it out. At the bottom of the Details page you will see 'Projects'. You can press that and it will allow you to check the Mass Moths project (if you are already a member). Having checked that, the field options will appear.

Publicado por swhitebread hace alrededor de 4 años

Thank you... I found that option as well, and have been able to submit several of my observations to the Mass Moths project. Will definitely submit more with time. Thanks again!

Publicado por billmac hace alrededor de 4 años

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