Tiger Salamander!

Hey all!

After about 30 trips around Cook County, lake county and downstate IL too in search of one, and I finally got one. I was only about 20 feet from the car, and on the third log I flipped, I was getting ready to put it back when a centipede got flicked by a yellow-blotched brown tail, and I immediately knew it was a Tiger! It is debatably the best looking one I've seen pictures of from Illinois, so I'm super happy that I found it!.

Until next time,

Publicado el septiembre 26, 2020 11:54 TARDE por brdnrdr brdnrdr


Fotos / Sonidos


Ajolote Atigrado (Ambystoma tigrinum)




Finally!!! After 30 trips, I finally got one!!


WOW!!! Lucky you!!! Hope fortune brings you more amazing stuff such as this soon and going forward!

Publicado por liam_pentangelo hace alrededor de 4 años

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