Barn owl after sunset

10.8.20. 7:53 am. 56 degrees. Damp. Turkeys (5) on hiker hill past the gateway oak.

12:30 pm. Galindo Creek. A few bones. Lots of trash, probably a few different homeless encampments. Another mylar balloon. And more golf balls (3). Lots of ground squirrels. Maybe some wood rat nests. No sign of the badger. Huge ground squirrel complex. One hole with a big throw mound but the hole is not badger size. Possible badger scat, but could be something else.

7:15 pm. Striped feral cat. Black kitten. Barn owl way out in the distance closer to Mitchell Canyon. Deer on hiker hill takes off running.

Publicado el octubre 9, 2020 03:16 TARDE por bruin_mike bruin_mike