New website

The first version of our new website is now live: Please have a look and send me any comments. As stated on the home page, the site is still being developed and much more will be added. A pdf version of the County List and the Excel data entry template can be downloaded from the site.

Publicado el marzo 3, 2021 02:48 TARDE por swhitebread swhitebread


The Mass Moths website is fantastic! Well laid out, user friendly, lots of useful links that provide much support and info for 'mothers'. I really like the state map with the many squares that show number of sightings per area. Is it possible to show or somehow indicate the approximate area/location of each square? I'm not a Facebook user, but I like that those of us not on FB can still view the conversation even if we can't contribute via that platform. So much time, thought and hard work has gone into this project--it's mind boggling! Congratulations to all of you and many, many thanks!

Publicado por lgraetz hace más de 3 años

Hi Linda,
Thanks for your kind comments. Yes, I do have an Excel file where you can click on any box and it will take you to the center point of the 5x5mile square. I also have a map with the grid overlaid. I will be incorporating these into the site.

Publicado por swhitebread hace más de 3 años

👍🏼 Great! Thank you.

Publicado por lgraetz hace más de 3 años

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