120 species of birds in Michigan.

On August 31, a member of our team made her goal of observing 120 species of birds this year in Michigan. Her 120th bird was a Baird's sandpiper observed on the breakwall in Petoskey. She is 12 years old, and an inspiration to the rest of our team. Her younger sister has seen 115 species this year and hopes to accomplish the same goal of 120 before December 31st.

Monarch butterflies and Canada geese have been moving in large numbers this past week. Last week was warm and muggy, but the weather has cooled and we have mornings now in the 40's again. The seasons blend, but the shorter hours of sunlight is a sure sign that summer is ending. Virginia creeper and poison ivy are putting on their fall colors, and bracken fern are beginning to brown in places. Salmon are beginning their run, the perch will school up soon, and lake trout will cruise the shallows again as the waters cool. What an amazing place this is and what an incredible journey we are on in life! May we celebrate everyday that we are part of it all.

Publicado el septiembre 2, 2021 10:33 TARDE por friendofnature2 friendofnature2


Congratulations to your young and observant team members. Thank you for your vivid descriptions of wildlife near Petoskey. My family camped nearby for many years when I was growing up. Reading your journal brings back happy memories. I spent one summer making plaster casts of animal and bird tracks in beach sand. How wonderful to see the love of nature continuing. Celebrating with you!

Publicado por ejwildlife hace alrededor de 3 años

Today I read all your posts for this year. I love your perspectives and your appreciation for all we are blessed to be a part of by observation or living our lives.

Keep up the great work. Keep inspiring and encouraging your little ones to embrace the beautiful creation that we are blessed to enjoy. What an artist! I was hoping to see pictures of the various colors of the poison ivy.

Do you ever see any migrating pengins?

Publicado por knickerjandb1 hace casi 3 años

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