Ive had two moths fly away on me in a row before I could get them on camera, I feel like such an idiot. I just want to enjoy my day and now I'm mad.
Publicado el abril 28, 2022 07:24 TARDE
por wolfram06
Causal grade observations are allowed, including those that do not have an image. You can retroactively add an observation describing the situation. These observations are less valuable for research, but from my point of view they are not necessarily useless for statistical methods such as density estimation. Data imputation methods are also possible, so sometimes researchers can put a likelihood on the species if there are other moth observations nearby.
grade observations are allowed, including those that do not have an image. You can retroactively add an observation describing the situation. These observations are less valuable for research, but from my point of view they are not necessarily useless for statistical methods such as density estimation. Data imputation methods are also possible, so sometimes researchers can put a likelihood on the species if there are other moth observations nearby.Agregar un comentario