Protozoa book

From one of our members:

This is a somewhat rare/very useful book.

Apparently a few hundred copies of An Illustrated Guide to the Protozoa (2nd edition) are now available on Amazon.

New and in there original plastic. Apparently the bookstore/morgue acquired them from a guy who had acquired hundreds of them from the Protozoologist Society.

Publicado el agosto 19, 2022 09:08 MAÑANA por biohexx1 biohexx1


There's a lot of good stuff in the 2 volumes, but potential buyers should know that it is not especially useful as a field guide for identifying commonly-seen organisms (it wasn't really intended for that purpose). Also, the book is twenty years old, and a lot has changed since it appeared. ISOP has a new name (it's now the International Society of Protistologists) and the high-level taxonomy has been overhauled several times. Still, there's a lot in the book that remains current, and the price is very reasonable!

Publicado por bdstaylor hace alrededor de 2 años

For those of us who can’t get Amazon deliveries that easily, or if you want to preview before buying, it’s scanned onto the Internet Archive

Edit: I can only find the first volume on the archive, and about half of that is taken up by parasites. There are many other texts on Protozoa on the site as well.

Publicado por jane_trembath hace alrededor de 2 años

Thanks for that link!

Publicado por bornstupid hace alrededor de 2 años

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