Educational iNat Forum Posts

A lot of good stuff gets posted to the iNat Forum and though I monitor it, I still miss a lot since there is quite a bit of "chaff" posted there as well ;-) (I'm guilty). So I've decided to assemble links to the ones that I find that interest me. If you see some that you think would be interesting to me, please leave a link in the comments so I can add it.

How to See the Elevation of an Observation by Tony Iwane tiwane

This is huge in my opinion! We can now see elevation and lithology associated with an observation:

Spring Oak Gall (Wasp) Hunting by Adam Krantz megachile

How to use iNaturalist’s Search URLs - wiki part 1 of 2 by Tony Iwane tiwane

How to use iNaturalist’s Search URLs - wiki - part 2 of 2 by Jim Morefield jdmore

Publicado el febrero 3, 2023 09:45 TARDE por hkibak hkibak


Thanks Henrik! I think the elevation/geology data viz will be of interest to @fredwatson and @kvandevere, esp. with regard to the 'Garland Ranch Arctostaphylos' observations, the grantic lithology might have some explanatory power (Maybe Upper Toro Park would be another place to explore as a preliminary observation).

I've looked over USGS/NRCS WSS data, but it isn't quite visualized in such a convenient or easily interpreted fashion as the Macrostrat link.

Publicado por yerbasanta hace más de 1 año

Yes. I didn't realize it was possible to click through to a geologic map like that. Thanks for the tip.

Publicado por kvandevere hace más de 1 año

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