Coff's Butterfly House errors: Part I - S. foveata, C. iostephana, O. ptousalis


1) "Strepsinoma foveata"

... actually Strepsinoma croesusalis

2) "Crepidosceles iostephana"

does not match BOLD SYSTEMS

possibly C. timalphes

apparently based on

location of photo not given but the photographer's other work is from Queensland where
C. timalphes has been taken but not C. iostephana which has a more southerly distribution.

3) "Osiriaca ptousalis"
Osiriaca ptousalis

does not match BOLD SYSTEMS specimens of same

and is very likely Ocrasa albidalis ... certainly the image is indistinguishable
from that species.

Publicado el enero 6, 2017 02:11 MAÑANA por vicfazio3 vicfazio3


I agree about Strepsinoma foveata and Strepsinoma croesusalis .
I have put separate webpages for them.
I note that Strepsinoma croesusalis has not yet made it to the
Australian Faunal Directory

I think that Ian's photo at
with the dark forewing costal streak, matches that in photo CCDB-15753-E01 at the BOLD site for C. iostephana.
The type is from Brisbane (lat -27.5) and Ian's specimen is from Imbil (lat -26.5), and the BOLD photos show a wide variability of inner-marginal extent of the forewing basal mark.
But I am a dancer, not an entomologist, and I cannot tell it from
Eochrois epidesma.
But to be safer I have changed the illustrating photo.

I agree about Brian's photo listed as Osiriaca ptousalis, and have changed it to another of Donald's.

Your comments are much appreciated.
Still working on your later comments. 27 Nov 2017

Publicado por donhe hace casi 7 años

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