Philoliche (Philoliche) umbratipennis (Ricardo, 1900) - Identification

A member of the rodani group.
Diagnosis from Morita: P. umbratipennis can be distinguished from P. rondani by its relatively paler hind coxa and hind femur, by the third abdominal segment which is relatively paler than the other segments, and by having both black and white tufts of hair posterolaterally on segment 4.
Male: eye facets abruptly increasing in size from ventral to dorsal forming a demarcating, horizontal line
Fore and mid legs similarly coloured, hind legs different: fore and mid coxae grey to pinkish grey, paler dorsally and with white and a few black hairs, trochanters black; hind coxa yellow, trochanters orange; fore and mid femora orange, hind femur yellow, same as hind coxa. Tibia of foreleg and midleg paler than femora. Hind tibia darker than hind femur, with black hairs. Posterolateral margin of segments 4 and 5 with tufts of black or white hairs as follows: 4 – black and white, 5 – black only. Third abdominal segment relatively paler dorsally than the other abdominal segments. Proboscis usually 2× greater in length than P. rondani .
Known from the Albany Centre of endemism only.

Original description by Ricardo:
Fig. 9:

Publicado el agosto 14, 2023 08:27 MAÑANA por traianbertau traianbertau


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