Winter Wildflowers

Seed capsules, tattered leaves, broken stems. The beauty of winter wildflowers is the beauty of ruins. Without leaves or petals obscuring the underlying form, structure takes precedence. We see the lines of force, the arch or flying buttress mandated by live weight and wind. We see the strength that makes possible the eye-catching delicacy of summer blooms.

Here's a small poem by the Greek poet Yannis Ritsos (1909 - 1990):

Τα χερια του αγγειοπλαστη
τα δικα σου χερια
πηλινα πραγματα
τι ωραια που καθρεφτιζουν
το αθραυστο

The hands of the potter
your own hands
earthen things
the breakable
so beautifully mirrors
the unbreakable

from Χειροποιητος / Handmade (1977)

Publicado el enero 21, 2017 04:17 MAÑANA por scottking scottking


Fotos / Sonidos


Onagra Común (Oenothera biennis)




Enero 20, 2017 a las 04:35 TARDE CST


Common Evening Primrose
Cowling Arboretum
Northfield, Minnesota

Fotos / Sonidos




Enero 20, 2017 a las 04:34 TARDE CST


Blue Vervain
Cowling Arboretum
Northfield, Minnesota


Interesting that you wrote this. These are some of my favorite subjects and I find their beauty is more poignant when simplified and contrasted by the stark backgrounds that accompany them at this time of year.

Publicado por briangooding hace más de 7 años

Thanks Brian. It's good to know I've some company in this view. All best, during this season of starkness and sticks!

Publicado por scottking hace más de 7 años

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