I’m sure everyone is familiar with iNat’s data gaps. I wanted a quick way to prioritise which species I should upload to iNat, so I came up with a small web application does that. The idea is that it helps us record the species are ‘easily missed’ because they’re common and you presume someone has probably already recorded it locally. You can find the tool here: 341
Please note this is a work in progress.
How it works, it first looks at what species are recorded in the general region (<5km from where you’re standing). It then looks for those species that haven’t been recorded in your local area (<1km of where you’re standing).
It then presents this data with a little map, some headline numbers for how many species are in the local area versus the region, and a “doughnut score” which is just a % of the previously mentioned. The idea is that if you record the suggested species you’d boost the area’s doughnut score and build a more complete picture of the wildlife in your local area.
For example here is the area around Cal academy of sciences where iNaturalist is based (which has a very high doughnut score unsurprisingly!)
Easily missed"
Build a more complete picture of the wildlife in your local area
"Easily Missed" is a tool to help iNaturalist recorders identify local gaps in species records. The tool builds a list of species that have been recorded in your region (within 5km of where you are). The tool then helps you prioritise species to fill data gaps by determining which of these species haven't been recorded in your local area (within 1km). By filling local data gaps you'll boost your area's "doughnut score"; the percentage of species recorded locally compared to the wider region. The +/- numbers indicate change over the past 30 days.
Skip to species lists
Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors, iNaturalist
Explore area on iNaturalist
536 (+0)
Species recorded within 1km
2089 (+10)
Species recorded within 5km
25.66% (-0.12)
Doughnut score
Missing species
Recorded species
Species (and number of records) which have not been within 1km of where you are, but have been recorded within 5km. Record these species to fill local data gaps.
Staat Model ook opgenomen in Active Directory ? Weetje ook hoe dat veld heet ?
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Water beetles have a long history of biological recording, with the first scheme starting in 1904 and the earliest recorders including Charles Darwin. Garth will provide a brief introduction to the history of water beetle recording, before discussing the recent publication of three volumes of the water beetle atlas for Britain and Ireland, illustrated by anecdotes about some recent records. We'll end the talk with a call to action for the next generation of water beetle recorders and details about how to get involved.
Check out the live Q&A and further info links for this talk here: Link coming soon...
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entoLIVE is delivered by the Biological Recording Company and sponsored by the British Entomological & Natural History Society,, the Field Studies Council and the Royal Entomological Society.
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