South section - 1/12/2024

Friday, 9:05-11:40 am. 34 dead newts, no live ones
Weather: very cold!
Coverage: from ABR and Eldercroft Heights intersection to the first stop sign. I walked with Oscar, Lindsay, and Jumana. Jumana only stayed for the first half of the survey.
We documented about 30 dead newts. I documented 25 dead newts, at least 2 of them were juveniles. Lindsay documented 9 newts. We had 19 newts on the reservoir side, and 15 on the hill side.
Other roadkill: caterpillars, dead and alive. A slander salamander.
Traffic - 22 cars, 6 trucks (county roads), 1 motorcycle, 4 bikes, 10 pedestrians, 4 parked cars. We saw some County Roads trucks passing by, but they weren't working in the south section. Some utility trucks were meeting by Soda Spring Canyon.
Lindsay's observations -
My observations of the day -

Publicado el enero 13, 2024 05:41 MAÑANA por merav merav


I reached 15,001 newts on iNat. Unfortunately, the vast majority were probably dead...

Publicado por merav hace 9 meses

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