Report Everything or Report New Species?

Hi Everyone!
I had a question from a couple people recently about reporting observations. They have been only posting new species they have personally observed, even if they see the same species several times in different places.

The question was "Should I only do new species or should I send observations of all species if I see them in different areas?" While we have been focused on the cumulative number of species observed, it is also very important from a ecological perspective, to report species from different geographic areas - especially if these areas have few observations, such as northwestern Oklahoma. To some people it is simply the number of different species observed that is important, but observing species in a variety of locations is important for biologists too. So, there is no right or wrong way to participate in the Virtual BioBlitz!

Publicado el abril 10, 2017 02:33 TARDE por priscillacrawford priscillacrawford


I'm no expert, but if you report different observations of the same species, it helps with knowing the distributions, time of year, sizes, etc. So I think it's better to have repeated species than not. Just don't flood the system :-p .

Publicado por jeanlc hace más de 5 años

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