Body size on mainlands versus islands, in whiteyes and silvereyes (Zosteropidae: Zosterops)

@thebeachcomber @lukedowney @kokhuitan @hedgehog111 @lloyd_esler @rion_c @tonyrebelo @jeremygilmore


The genus Zosterops, in the family Zosteropidae, is remarkably widespread in Africa, Asia, Australasia, the Indian Ocean, and the western Pacific (

Furthermore, the many spp. of Zosterops are remarkably consistent in their generalised body-proportions and diminutive body size.

What this means is that, although this genus qualifies as remarkably speciose (,many%20species%3B%20species%2Drich.), it does not seem to have undergone much adaptive radiation (


A well-known biogeographical pattern is that, among small birds and small mammals, the forms on islands tend to be relatively large-bodied ( and and and

This raises the question:
Do species/subspecies of Zosterops on islands tend to be larger-bodied than those on mainlands?



Zosterops virens and Zosterops pallidus are restricted to southern Africa. Their values for body length and body mass are, respectively:

  • about 12 cm and 8-15 g, and
  • 12-13 cm and 8-20 g.

Zosterops abyssinicus is restricted to northeastern Africa and southern Arabia. It has body length 10-12 cm (

Zosterops senegalensis is restricted to West and central Africa. It has body length about 11.5 cm and body mass 7-14 g (


Zosterops palpebrosus has body length 8-9 cm ( Zosterops japonicus has body length 10-12 cm, and body mass 10-13 g (


Zosterops lateralis occurs on both the Australian mainland and many islands of various sizes, in the western Pacific, east of the mainland ( On the mainland, it has body length about 12 cm and body mass about 11 g (

Overall, on mainlands:
Zosterops, regardless of species, has body length about 12 cm, and body mass about 11.5 g.


Body mass in certain populations of Z. lateralis, inhabiting islands, is about 2 g more than on the Australian mainland (

In New Zealand, body mass of Z. lateralis lateralis is about 13 g ( and and and

An extreme example is Zosterops lateralis chlorocephalus, restricted to the Capricorn-Bunker group of islands (, off the Great Barrier Reef. This weighs 14-15 g, which is about 4 g heavier than conspecifics on the mainland.

Zosterops lateralis melanops, restricted to New Caledonia, has body mass about 14 g (

On Lord Howe Island (, off eastern Australia, there are two indigenous spp. of Zosterops, viz.

Turning to spp. other than Z. lateralis, on islands:

On Norfolk Island (, two spp. occur, both of which are restricted to the island and are relatively large-bodied, viz.

In Vanuatu (, Zosterops flavifrons has body length 11-12 cm (

On the islands beyond the coastal shelf in Indonesia:


Zosterops natalis, restricted to Christmas Island, has body length 12-13.5 cm and body mass about 11 g.

On Lifou island (, New Caledonia, the largest- and smallest-bodied members of genus Zosterops coexist. Body mass in Zosterops inornatus is 22 g, whereas that in Zosterops minutus is 9 g (

Zosterops conspicillatus, restricted to the Northern Mariana islands, has body length 12 cm.

Islands between Madagascar and Africa:

Mascarene Islands (Mauritius and Reunion):


The evidence for the 'island rule' in Zosterops is ambivalent.

On one hand, several species and subspecies, occurring on islands in the western Pacific Ocean, do show enlargement in body size.

The prime example: in New Caledonia there is nominally an adaptive radiation, consisting of two sympatric spp. differing more than two-fold in body mass.

On the other hand, this effect is not apparent on islands in the Indian Ocean. On the contrary, all four spp. in the Mascarene Islands, for example, are smaller-bodied than is typical on mainlands.

Furthermore, even in the western Pacific,

Therefore, I find overall that Zosterops remains remarkable for its diminutive body size, whether on mainlands or on islands.

Its consistently small, thin beak and brush-tipped tongue may constitute an unique combination among the avian genera on Earth (

This may help to explain why adaptive radiation may be largely irrelevant to Zosterops, even on landmasses too remote to have been reached by other birds.

Publicado el mayo 31, 2024 04:39 TARDE por milewski milewski


New Guinea: Zosterops novaeguineae

body length 11 cm
body mass 11-13.5 g; 10.2 g

Zosterops novaeguineae wuroi has body mass 10-15 g (

Publicado por milewski hace 5 meses

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