Still Learning about Beavers

Beavers are amazing. Like I described in my last entry on June 16, I learned that beavers can stay submerged for up to 15 minutes. I had thought that they primarily swam on the surface, but this may not be true as then I witnessed them either eating or cutting cattails while totally submerged underwater. I saw this again on my walk yesterday.

On Tuesday I placed two camera traps just below a dam on South Creek just above where it joins Orchard Creek. While crossing the dam I was amazed to see two fairly large rocks, maybe six inches in maximum dimension, on top of the dam. Doing a little more research I find that beavers use rocks in their construction and that they are able to maneuver these rocks fairly easily, especially under water.

So I learned two things about beavers in the last week. Here are links.

Pictures of the rocks:

And a YouTube video of beavers moving rocks:

Publicado el junio 20, 2024 12:21 TARDE por joerich joerich


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