La Sittelle kabyle Sitta ledanti : nouvelle localité, répartition et habitat [Algerian Nuthatch Sitta Ledanti : new locality, distribution and habitat]

@HADDAD, K. & AFOUTNI, L. 2019. La Sittelle kabyle Sitta ledanti : nouvelle localité, répartition et habitat [Algerian Nuthatch Sitta Ledanti : new locality, distribution and habitat]. Ornithos, Volume 26-2: 83-94.

A new breeding site for Algerian Nuthatch. Algerian Nuthatch is an endemic species of the mountains of northeastern Algeria. It was discovered in 1975 in Jebel Babor forests, in which the species was long believed to be restricted. But in 1989, Algerian Nuthatch was discovered ca 10 km away, in the Taza National Park which includes part of the vast forest of Guerrouch. And the following year, it was found in the great forest of Tamentout and in the more modest forest of Djimla. The country having faced dark years, the search for nuthatch took second place. In the late 2010s, once the threat had almost disappeared, the interest for the species rebounded, and in 2018, this led to the discovery of two new sites, the Lerabâa forest and the Djebel El Djarda forest. This article formalizes the discovery of the latter by the authors in June 2018. We show that the site of the discovery of the species, Jebel Babor, is atypical. Indeed Algerian Nuthatch is found here in mixed forest, even in pure conifers, while everywhere else, the species typically occupied oak forests. Nowadays, its distribution is fragmented into islands, but had to be continuous formerly, before deforestation. The main threats facing Algerian Nuthatch are overcrowding of its forests and development of infrastructure, illegal logging, overgrazing by livestock, forest fires… The goal in the future will be to reduce these well-identified threats.

Publicado el julio 25, 2024 06:03 TARDE por karimhaddad karimhaddad



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