One thousand observations achieved in 72 hours!!!

Hi AK Botany Blitzers!

We just achieved 1000 observations, and in only 72 hours! Keep up the good work. Let's go for another 1000 observations!

Publicado el julio 4, 2022 05:05 TARDE por aaronfwells aaronfwells


Other than plant guides and online images, is there a forum where I can get help with an initial ID? I have a handful that stumped me. Full self-disclosure, I'm not a plant person. Thanks!

Publicado por wideyed1 hace casi 2 años

Hi @wideyed1 , There is no specific forum for this. In the comments of your observations you can tag someone and ask for an assist using the @ symbol, for instance, "@aaronfwells any ideas on this one?" When you upload an observation to iNaturalist and click on the "Species Name" field iNaturalist will also provide you with suggestions for an initial ID.

Publicado por aaronfwells hace casi 2 años

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