19 de abril de 2020

Journal Post #1: Lookout for Spring

Hello fellow Citizen Scientists! Have you been keeping an eye on Spring changes? Since many of us have been sequestered in the same place, it’d be a hard task NOT to notice the new growth; red and pink buds on trees, bright green leaflets, and early blooming flowers all bringing color back to Massachusetts. Flowers that we see blossoming in early Spring are ones that can manage the variable warm, cold, and wet weather. Forsythias, Crocuses, and Daffodils are some of the most common early bloomers around New England. Forsythias are medium-sized shrubs covered in small yellow flowers; crocuses are small purple, yellow, or white flowers; and daffodils have foot-high stalks with yellow or white “trumpet-shaped” flowers (think of the talking flowers in Alice in Wonderland).

Up for more of a challenge? Keep a lookout for Mayflowers. The state flower of Massachusetts, Mayflowers are creeping plants with clusters of sweet-smelling pink or white flowers that can be found in sandy soils, often under pines or oak trees. Speaking of trees, see if you can spot some favorite early spring tree blossoms: Dogwoods and Magnolias. These small flowering trees have easily identifiable buds that blossom into pink or white flowers depending on the species. A fun spring tradition is to guess when these Spring shrubs, trees, and flowers will pop. Any guesses for when the trees will start blooming around you?

For those with yards who may be getting tired of looking at the same trees and shrubs, here are a few suggestions for how to keep the love of your backyard alive:

Find a sit spot in your yard and practice going out everyday simply to observe. If you want to kick it up a notch, try journaling and taking pictures as well. This is a great way to watch Spring come alive and to get to know the environment where you live!

Write an ode or poem to your backyard. What do you love most about it? What are some of your favorite memories associated with it? What has your yard taught you about nature?

Start a garden bed! Now is a great time to prepare vegetable gardens or flower beds for summer and fall.

As a friendly reminder, make sure you’re being safe when you explore outdoors. It’s up to all of us to stop the spread of Coronavirus. If you have health risks or on a public path, consider wearing a mask and make sure you’re practicing proper social distancing.

Publicado el abril 19, 2020 10:10 TARDE por maddystaples maddystaples | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
