Early Spring Wildflower Walk - March 12, 2017 2-4 PM


Join us on Sunday, March 12 as we explore the University of Alabama Arboretum's collection of native wildflowers. Executive Director Monica Moss Watkins will take us on a guided tour through a stunning woodland habitat that showcases some of the Southeast's finest flora right here in Tuscaloosa. You won’t want to miss out on this opportunity!

The Alabama Wildflower Society has helped us prepare for this event by weeding and working on invasive species in the garden.

Sightings might include various types of Shooting Star, Trillium, Fairy wand, Alabama croton, Lenten rose, Wild ginger and other beloved native flowering plants.

We will meet at the Pavilion. The tour will begin at 2pm and conclude by 4pm.

Registration is limited to 20 participants. Please call the office to reserve your space. 205-553-3278 or send an email to ua.arboretum@ua.edu

Publicado el marzo 9, 2017 09:42 TARDE por friel friel


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