13 Incredibly Rare Types of Butterflies.

There are no more than a few hundred of these fragile, beautiful Lange's Metalmark butterflies (Apodemia mormo langei) left in the world.


Publicado el marzo 19, 2021 06:05 TARDE por biohexx1 biohexx1


Good article! I logged a sighting of a Palos Verdes Blue last year. Looks like they are making a local comeback thanks to a lot of hard conservation work in Palos Verdes.

Publicado por ezeemonee hace más de 3 años

Yes! Much work and volunteer-hours

Publicado por biohexx1 hace más de 3 años

I would have liked to help in person if I lived closer to Palos Verdes. I sent the conservancy there a donation earlier to help them use sheep to graze the invasive plants around the preserve.

Publicado por ezeemonee hace más de 3 años

I never know how to view using sheep (or cattle) to eat invasive plants. They also eat native plants too. Chew it up and poop seeds in their manure and the whole process starts again.

Publicado por biohexx1 hace más de 3 años

Actually it sounds like they used goats. Here's the article. Sounds like they've done their homework and didn't just let the goats loose. lol


Publicado por ezeemonee hace más de 3 años

If its working, I guess that's what counts!

Publicado por biohexx1 hace más de 3 años

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