Important Links

Here are some of the documents you might be looking for during the Anemone BioBlitz:

Anemone Comparison
Once you know what characters to look for, distinguishing A. caroliniana from A. berlandieri is fairly easy. Use this link for a quick way to compare the main differences of the two species.

How to ID Anemones in TX
Interested in learning more about the characteristics of Anemones beyond our DFW species? This identification guide gives more detail on the two species of DFW, as well as introduces the other Texas species and basic botanical terminology.

Map of Anemone Search Locations
Our goal for this BioBlitz is to visit each of the locations on the map during this blooming season. If you come across anemones of either species, please upload photos to iNat (separate observation for each flower,) making sure to photograph at least the flower stem below the leafy bract. If you visit a location on the map and don't find any Carolina Anemones (A. caroliniana), send a message to @pfau_tarleton to let us know you looked and didn't find anything so we can update the map.

Stars on the map indicate sandy soils.

Red = A. caroliniana present
Grey = A. caroliniana NOT present
Blue = Cemetery to be searched
Yellow = Park or other location to be searched

DFW Sandy Soils Map
A. caroliniana seems to favor sandy soils instead of those with more clay or loam. This link will show you the sandy soils around DFW to help narrow your search if you visit locations beyond those on the map (which would be VERY helpful!)

Publicado el marzo 3, 2019 12:50 MAÑANA por kimberlietx kimberlietx


@brentano Hope this helps! Thanks for looking!!

Publicado por kimberlietx hace más de 5 años

This really is great, Kimberlie. Awesome job.

Publicado por sambiology hace más de 5 años

@beckymn Here are all the documents which will help you when you are looking. I think you are on to something!

Publicado por kimberlietx hace más de 5 años

Kimberlie, you have done an amazing job with this! I am so proud of you! This is so helpful and informative.

Publicado por suz hace más de 5 años

@suz Thank you 😊 ❤️

Publicado por kimberlietx hace más de 5 años

@kimberlietx - Can you sent me a picture or post of the sandy soils map north of collin county. I've moved to Grayson county and am interested in the area for looking this year. Or post the link where I can search for it.

Publicado por butterflies4fun hace más de 5 años

@butterflies4fun @pfau_tarleton is running the soil maps. By this comment, I'll ask him to answer your question.

Publicado por kimberlietx hace más de 5 años

@butterflies4fun, here's a map of sandy soils between DFW and the Red River:

Have fun looking! Take pics of gopher mounds also!

Publicado por pfau_tarleton hace más de 5 años

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