Reminder to upload any remaining pics and help with IDs

Happy Saturday everyone,

It's been great to see so many more observations coming in from the observation period of 4/26-29 - we are up to a whopping 937 species observed!! As a reminder, the official count will be taken at 9AM eastern time on Monday, 5/6 - so if you have more pictures to upload, make sure to do it before then.

Thanks to everyone who has helped with identification - as of noon today, 57.83% of our 3,201 observations are research-grade, which is great! We want to try to get that percentage up as much as possible before Monday, so please continue to weigh in on other people's observations.

There is an easy way to see which observations still need to be identified/confirmed: if you go to the City Nature Challenge Hartford/New Haven page and click on "Stats", you will see our dashboard (screenshot below):

On the left, you'll see a wheel depicting our observations. Green represents the percentage of our observations that are research grade, and yellow is those that still need IDs. If you click on the yellow portion, it will show you only those observations that need an ID. Take a look and see if there are any species you recognize!

One more tip - if one of your observations is still not research grade, you can tag other iNaturalist users who are familiar with that species and ask them to weigh in. Just type the species name into the search bar, and click the main page for that species. You will see something like this:

At the top right, you'll see the Top Observer listed. You can click "leaderboard" in green below their username, and you'll get a list of the people with the most observations of that species. In the comments on your observation, just use the @ symbol to tag them and ask them to weigh in. I usually tag the top several users listed on the leaderboard.

Let us know if you have any questions about identifying, or how to use filters to see only certain kinds of species - and thank you again all for your help and continued participation!

Enjoy the beautiful day,

-Sarah (@chiforager) + Chase (@hexagonaria)

Publicado el mayo 4, 2024 04:21 TARDE por chiforager chiforager


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