Archivos de diario de julio 2016

24 de julio de 2016


The project was established to document distribution and occurrences of Aculeates in Hong Kong, except Ants (Formicidae). Please add observations in the following taxa only :
1- Apoidea
2- Apoid wasps (= Ampulicidae + Crabronidae + Sphecidae)
3- Vespoidea (= [Pompilidae + Mutillidae] +Scoliidae + Tiphiidae + Vespidae)
4- Chrysidoidea

For those interested in social wasps check the new edition of my Guide to the Social wasps of Hong Kong:
For a contribution to our knowledge of HK Scoliidae, check our latest paper:

31 December 2023: 3717 new observations (total 21249), 9 new species added (total 240). 2023 was better than 2022, and the trend is going up. Hello 2024!

31 December 2022: 3324 new observations (total 17532), 4 new species (total 231). Still going strong, 2022 has been a good year for bees and wasps observations. Looking forward to 2023!

31 December 2021: 4417 new observations (total 14208), 22 new species (227 total). 2021 has been a very good year for bees and wasps observations, thanks to the many contributors. Lets do better in 2022!

04 February 2021: The threshold of 10,000 observations has been passed, amazing!

31 December 2020: 5177 new observations (total 9791), 27 new species (205 total). 2020 has been exceptional in terms of wasps and bees observation shadowing previous numbers. The onset of COVID-19 has probably helped as we headed towards nature rather than urban jungles...Let's keep it up in 2021!

31 December 2019: 1942 observations in 2019 (4614 total), 29 new species (178 total) and lots more people contributing. 2019 has overtaken 2018 as a record year of number of Aculeates recorded, the trend is interesting and I hope 2020 will see more participation. Thanks all for contributing!

31 December 2018 ; 1447 observations in 2018 (2672 total), 29 new species (149 total) and 324 people contributing. 2018 is a record year for Bees and Wasps observations in HK, more than doubling the previous years observations. Great work all!

31 December 2017; 520 observations in 2017 (1225 total), 7 new species (120 total) and 85 people contributing, still going strong! Thanks all for your inputs and looking forward to what lies ahead!

31 December 2016- 705 observations; 113 species of bees and wasps, and 41 people contributing, very nice! 2017 is going to be great.

October 2016 - The contribution to this page has been great, thanks to all of you, 500+observations, 110 species of aculeates since July 2016.
Winter is coming and fewer the species now… it is time to check our archives and post some old observations (if possible)…
Thanks for the great work and let’s keep it up!

Publicado el julio 24, 2016 05:54 TARDE por barthelemy barthelemy | 5 comentarios | Deja un comentario
