Greenwood Lakes Bioblitz this Saturday 31 July

Good Morning,

In case you haven’t heard, we will be hosting a Bioblitz this Saturday 31 July at Greenwood Lakes to see how many plants and animals we can record. This will be done using iNaturalist to create a publicly accessible species list for Greenwood Lakes.

There are also two $50 gift cards up for grabs with one being for the person with the most observations while the other will be for the person with the most species. The winners will be announced on the Thursday following the event.

If you’d like to attend, please register through Eventbrite using the below link. Spots are limited so get in quick if you would like to attend.

Kind Regards
The Environmental Services Team

Publicado el julio 29, 2021 12:08 MAÑANA por environment_logancc environment_logancc


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