19 de octubre de 2021

Great Southern Bioblitz this weekend!

Good afternoon,

A number of South East Queensland Local Council's are participating in this year’s Great Southern Bioblitz 2021 (GSB) which is taking place this weekend from Friday 22 October – Monday 25 October. The purpose of the GSB is to observe as many plant and animal sightings as you can across the weekend and upload them to iNaturalist to help create a better record of the diversity across the southern hemisphere.

You can upload observations from anywhere, including our parks, natural areas, or even the insects or birds you see in your backyard.

So if you’re interested in citizen science and want to contribute to creating a better record of the biodiversity across the Logan region, please get involved.

Please click link below to view the Great Southern Bioblitz City of Logan project page

Kind Regards
The Environmental Services Team

Publicado el octubre 19, 2021 05:51 MAÑANA por environment_logancc environment_logancc | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

29 de julio de 2021

Greenwood Lakes Bioblitz this Saturday 31 July

Good Morning,

In case you haven’t heard, we will be hosting a Bioblitz this Saturday 31 July at Greenwood Lakes to see how many plants and animals we can record. This will be done using iNaturalist to create a publicly accessible species list for Greenwood Lakes.

There are also two $50 gift cards up for grabs with one being for the person with the most observations while the other will be for the person with the most species. The winners will be announced on the Thursday following the event.

If you’d like to attend, please register through Eventbrite using the below link. Spots are limited so get in quick if you would like to attend.

Kind Regards
The Environmental Services Team

Publicado el julio 29, 2021 12:08 MAÑANA por environment_logancc environment_logancc | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

08 de noviembre de 2020

October Results

Good morning,

There were lots of observations added in October:

  • 189 observations made
  • 90 different species recorded
  • 103 observations of insects which was the most observed category
  • There was also another 5 observations of the Glossy Black cockatoo and 3 koalas, both of which are listed as vulnerable under the Nature Conservation Act 1992 !

Keep up the great work everyone.

Kind Regards
The Land for Wildlife Logan Team.

Publicado el noviembre 8, 2020 10:01 TARDE por environment_logancc environment_logancc | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

02 de octubre de 2020

September Results

Good afternoon,

Looks like everyone was a little more active in September. There were:

99 observations made
62 different species recorded
37 observations of birds which was the most observed category
There was also another 5 observations of the Glossy Black cockatoo and 2 koalas, both of which are listed as vulnerable under the Nature Conservation Act 1992 !

Keep up the great work everyone.

Kind Regards
The Land for Wildlife Logan Team.

Publicado el octubre 2, 2020 06:36 MAÑANA por environment_logancc environment_logancc | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

01 de septiembre de 2020

August Results

Good afternoon,

Another good month of observations with:

  • 70 observations made
  • 40 different species recorded
  • 29 observations of plants which was the most observed category
  • There was also another 13 observations of the Glossy Black cockatoo and 1 koala, both of which are listed as vulnerable under the Nature Conservation Act 1992 !

Keep up the great work everyone.

Kind Regards
The Land for Wildlife Logan Team.

Publicado el septiembre 1, 2020 06:47 MAÑANA por environment_logancc environment_logancc | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

05 de agosto de 2020

July Update

Good afternoon,

We thought we'd start doing a monthly update with some statistics to demonstrate how the Land for Wildlife Logan project is going.

In the month of July there were:

  • 75 observations made
  • 49 different species recorded; and
  • 35 observations of birds which was the most observed category

There were also 12 observations of the Glossy Black cockatoo which is listed as vulnerable under the Nature Conservation Act 1992 so that's great to see!

In future posts we'll also give special mention to members who submit the most observations and most species.

Keep up the great work everyone.

Kind Regards
The Land for Wildlife Logan Team.

Publicado el agosto 5, 2020 07:23 MAÑANA por environment_logancc environment_logancc | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

24 de julio de 2020

Land for Wildlife Newsletter - August Edition

Good Afternoon,

The August edition of the Land for Wildlife newsletter is now available. Please click the below link to view the pdf copy.


Hard copies of the newsletter will be sent out soon.

Kind Regards
Logan Land for Wildlife Team

Publicado el julio 24, 2020 06:49 MAÑANA por environment_logancc environment_logancc | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

23 de abril de 2020

Land for Wildlife Newsletter May edition

The May edition of the Land for Wildlife newsletter is now available. Please click the below link to view the pdf copy.


Hard copies of the newsletter will be sent out soon.

Kind Regards
Logan Land for Wildlife Team

Publicado el abril 23, 2020 04:57 MAÑANA por environment_logancc environment_logancc | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

22 de abril de 2020

Expanding the Land for Wildlife Logan iNaturalist project to all LFW members

Good Afternoon Everyone,

Just wanted to thank you all for helping us trial the Land for Wildlife Logan iNaturalist project. It's been really useful for us to be able to see the different species you've observed on your properties and i hope you've found it just enjoyable.

Now that we've had an opportunity to see how it works and how useful it can be, we are expanding the Land for Wildlife Logan project on iNaturalist to invite the other LFW members in Logan.

We've already sent an email out to all Logan LFW members, but if you know any who you think would like to be invited, please ask them to email environment@logan.qld.gov.au

Logan Land for Wildlife Team

Publicado el abril 22, 2020 02:11 MAÑANA por environment_logancc environment_logancc | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

02 de marzo de 2020

Make observations obscure

Hi Everyone,

Thanks so much for getting on board with the iNaturalist Land for Wildlife Logan project. We already have over 300 observations and 185 different species!

I'd previously put up a post about making all observations on your property "private" as it seemed to work better for us when we viewed the observations on the map. However, it's just been brought to our attention that this doesn't work well for the landholders as making the observation private makes it more difficult for your observations to be identified by other iNaturalist users. This is because it won't show up when other users are searching an area to identify observations for others.

The whole reason we set this project up is so that it can be useful for our landholders and Council. So if you could please make observations on your property "obscure" as this will still prevent location details about your property from being visible while still allowing your observation photos to be seen by other users for identification.

Sorry for any confusion.

Publicado el marzo 2, 2020 12:22 MAÑANA por environment_logancc environment_logancc | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario