Wishing you Happy Holidays

Dear Lorikeet Spotters,

To our new members and the ones that have been with us since this project started, thank you again for all your contributions this year and I hope that all of you can have a safe and holiday with your friends and family.

Lorikeets with lorikeet paralysis continue to present into care, as unfortunately we are coming to the time of year when the most cases are seen. Last year in January there was a similar disease seen in flying foxes where hundreds of paralysed flying foxes were found and brought into care. It is possible that this could be the same problem that we are seeing in our lorikeets. This makes what you are doing even more important, as perhaps if we can identify the cause for one or the other, we can identify the cause for both.

So keep spotting and reporting. If you visiting someone, don't forget to look out the window or take a walk around the block and see what the lorikeets are feeding on.

All the best,

David, Maya, and Lauren

Publicado el diciembre 17, 2021 10:29 TARDE por david4262 david4262


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