March Challenge

Can you believe it's already March? Happy Fat Tuesday!

Results from February Challenge we had 6 observations by four team members! Thanks, Team.

March Challenge is the Sara Orange-tip Butterfly

Butterflies....butterflies, butterflies...who doesn't love butterflies?
Let's meet the Sara Orange-tip Butterfly (Anthocharis sara)

  1. They are the first to appear in Arizona during later winter/early Spring
  2. They feed on Crucifers, rock cress, and mustards.
  3. You can find groups of males performing a behavior known as "hill-topping". This means that they are patiently waiting for females at the top of the hill, which provides the best view to find a mate.

Click Here for the Flyer POWO</a

I spotted 2 Desert Pima Orange-tip butterflies a few days ago on fiddlenecks. They are similar to the Sara orange tip with orange tips but are yellow. It was very exciting :-)

Let us get out there and find these beauties.

Thanks for your helping create real-time data sets with the biodiversity of the parks!

Natural Resource Specialist

Publicado el marzo 1, 2022 09:12 TARDE por juanitajn5 juanitajn5


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