Second mothing night of the year!

I've been enjoying seeing so many new people contributing moth observations in Oklahoma this year. I've contact several people who are interested in coming to the next mothing night.

Let's plan to meet at Thunderbird Chapel on Hwy 9 east of Norman at 8 pm on Thursday, May 9 - assuming there is no rain. If it looks like it is going to be rainy Thursday evening then we'll meet on Friday night instead.

I hope to see some of you there!

If you have questions, send me a message.


Publicado el mayo 3, 2019 07:38 TARDE por zdufran zdufran


We had 7 people attend our 2nd mothing night of the year. This is one of the largest groups we've had. Unfortunately it was a poor showing for moths, with cool and breezy conditions... :(

Publicado por zdufran hace más de 5 años

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