13 de agosto de 2024

蜜源植物在哪裏?Nectar plants and where to find them? 🐝🦋🌺🌼

📷💥大家可以隨時隨地,在香港各處拍下身邊的蜜源植物和傳粉昆蟲,並將物種照片記錄上載至「生命網格 BioGrid」或「iNaturalist」自然觀察應用程式的項目專頁。一起認識香港和大灣區的生物多樣性,為生態研究和保育出一分力!

🐝💐🦟蜜源植物和傳粉昆蟲在城市生態系統中擔當着重要的角色,然而我們尚未完全了解他們兩者在城市裏的物種多樣性、分布和相互關係。這次的粵港澳大灣區城市公民科學活動 -「蜜源植物在哪裏」由深圳發起,聯同香港、廣州、橫琴粵澳深度合作區等地共同主辦。💪活動旨在通過廣泛動員粵港澳城市的市民,一同調查和認識大家身邊的蜜源植物和傳粉昆蟲,推動環境教育,支持城市的生物多樣性保育工作,並深化大灣區城市的交流和合作。



📷💥Take snapshots of nectar plants and insect pollinators anytime and anywhere in Hong Kong, and upload your photos to project pages on “BioGrid” or “iNaturalist” apps. Let's explore the amazing biodiversity of Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area and contribute your findings to ecological research and conservation!

🐝💐🦟Nectar plants and insect pollinators play a crucial role in urban ecosystem, yet their species diversity, distribution and interactions in our cities remain to be fully explored. “Nectar Plants and Where to Find Them” is a joint citizen science programme launched by Shenzhen and co-hosted by Hong Kong, Guangzhou and the Guangdong-Macao In-depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin. 💪The programme invites you and fellow residents in the Greater Bay Area to explore and get to know our nectar plants and insect pollinators, and promote environmental education. The records gathered can support biodiversity conservation and foster exchange and cooperation among cities in the Greater Bay Area.

The survey will continue till June 2025, and the organisers will line up an exciting array of events to introduce these wonderful wildlife neighbours. 💻🖱️After the survey period, records from each participating city will be passed to Shenzhen Fairy Lake Botanical Garden and Sun Yat-sen University for species identification, data analysis and report writing, and the results will be publicly available.

Co-host: Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, HKSARG
Organisers (HK): Environmental Association - Fung Yuen Butterfly Reserve, Green Power, Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden
Supporting Organisation (HK): Hong Kong Lepidopterists' Society

Publicado el agosto 13, 2024 07:17 MAÑANA por nectarplants_pollinators_hk nectarplants_pollinators_hk
