Archivos de diario de marzo 2018

30 de marzo de 2018

First Update

Edit April 2nd: Updated requirements on Migratory Bird Challenge. Any bird that is not a year-round resident can count towards the challenge, regardless of the timing.

Hi all,
As April fast approaches, so too does the start of the Spring 2018 Virtual BioBlitz! As a first update I wanted to express how excited I am to see what everyone finds, as well as to make observations myself. BioBlitz! Staff will be using this journal feature to post updates on our progress, as well as to announce any upcoming or finished challenges. We’ll have a variety of unique challenges this year and some prizes to go along with them.

To start off we have two challenges:

1) Participate! – April 1-8
Each participant who makes at least one observation and posts it to this project page within the first week of Spring BioBlitz! will receive a sticker and letter in the mail to commemorate your participation in this great effort.

2) Migratory Bird Challenge: - April 1-8
Make at least 5 unique observations of migratory birds as they begin to fill the sky this Spring. Any bird that is not known to be a year-round resident will count, even if they do not migrate during the Spring season. Participants will receive free registration to Fall 2018 BioBlitz! at Greenleaf State Park (including a free shirt)! Once you have made 5 observations, simply message me with links to the observation pages, and I will mark you as having completed the challenge. This is a perfect opportunity to visit one of our various refuges, parks, or preserves and utilize resources designed for birders. Check out this article on birding in Oklahoma from the Audubon Society:
or this page from the Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Department:
for more details on locations to visit. I also recommend checking out eBird and Merlin to access birding information and hotspots on the go.

I wish you all a happy, life-filled Spring, and many chances to get outside and see it. Again, I’ll updating this journal regularly with upcoming challenges and BioBlitz! news. If anyone has any questions, feel free to message me!
Ethan Kelley,
BioBlitz! Oklahoma Staff

Publicado el marzo 30, 2018 04:40 TARDE por ethankelley ethankelley | 5 comentarios | Deja un comentario
