Archivos de diario de abril 2019

18 de abril de 2019

Welcome to the Polyphagous Shothole Borer Beetle Atlas

The Polyphagous Shothole Borer (PSHB) beetle has been discovered in Southern Africa and threatens many of the regions indigenous, ornamental, and food-producing trees! HELP us reduce, or at least record, its impact!

YOU CAN CONTRIBUTE by joining this project and adding your observations of healthy and possibly infected trees! This will allow scientists and officials to monitor and limit the outbreak.

Simply survey any tree that might be susceptible (incl. Oaks, Maples and Planes) and look for holes and oozing gum. Photograph the tree with its damage - or just the tree if there is no sign of damage, and add this project to your observation. Fill in question, and you will have helped us to map the spread of this scourge.

Please do not remove bark or chop down trees that you suspect are infected. A team will be dispatched to check and decide on any action. Please note that infected trees need to go into quarantine, and cannot just be chopped down and removed for firewood or dumping: this will spread the beetle and increase the rate of invasion. The PSHB team will be able to advise you as to what to do.

For a full list of susceptible trees, and other species that could be used to monitor this beetle's spread, see below
These are the best trees to use to monitor the PSHB. If you know of any in your area, visit them regularly and record their status every few months. The iNaturalist cell phone app is perfect for this.
•• Avocados,
•• Castor Beans,
•• Coraltrees,
•• Oaks,
•• Maples,
** Planes &
•• Willows,
Local crops susceptible include: Avocado, Macadamia Nut, Pecan Nut, Peach, Orange & Grapes.
Ornamental particularly susceptible include: some Maples, Hollies, Wisterias, Oaks & Camellias.

Please also pay attention to these indigenous species as they have been infected in other parts of the world, and may thus be susceptible to damage by this beetle:
•• Cussonia (Cabbage Trees),
•• Calpurnia (Calpurnias),
•• Diospyros (Monkey Plums),
•• Erythrina (Coral Trees),
•• Schotia (Boerboons),
•• Melianthus (Kruidjie-roer-my-nie),
•• Cunonia capensis (Rooiels),
•• Nuxia floribunda (Forest Elder)
, &
•• Bauhinia (Orchidbushes)*.
(*resistant to the fungus).

If you post a suspected infection, your area will be surveyed, and the observation field that you filled in will be adjusted accordingly, allowing us to use the data to map the spread and hopefully containment of this pest.

Publicado el abril 18, 2019 02:26 TARDE por tonyrebelo tonyrebelo | 3 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Some Admin issues.



The Polyphagous Shothole Borer Beetle PSHB Atlas collects data for purposes of monitoring and managing the spread of the PSHB Beetle.

The following collections are useful for managing the reporting process.
* Inspection required: Possible evidence of (beetle) damage to susceptible trees
* Inspection required urgently: Beetle damage to susceptible trees reported

The following data have been inspected in the field and found to be:
Not infected by PSHB:
* Inspection completed: no PSHB Infection found
Confirmed PSHB Infections:
* PSHB Infection verified - see observation comments for action taken

Confirmed observations of beetles directly or indirectly (i..e not of host plants) can be found here:

Records of uninfected trees can be found here, but note, that uninfected trees can co-exist with infected individuals for a variety of reasons. A clear observation on its own ndoes not imply that the area is clear of infection at that time. Map of uninfected trees

For the distribution of susceptible species in South Africa, please see here:

Publicado el abril 18, 2019 07:20 TARDE por tonyrebelo tonyrebelo | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
