
Now that we have arrived at "indoor season" for spiders, perhaps it is time to look at one of the genera that is commonly found inside of our buildings. The genus Steatoda belongs to the family Theridiidae (the cobweb spiders). These spiders construct a tangle of webs that are much more disorderly than the beautiful webs of the orbweavers discussed in earlier posts. Such webs are often found in protected sites such as tree hollows, under rocks, and the interior corners of our homes. The spider is often hidden within the tangle of threads or remains very still at it perimeter. If the spider feels threatened, it will drop and remain still on the ground, relying on its camouflaged body to remain hidden.

The genus Steatoda in Minnesota is represented by three species:

S. borealis (Northern Combfoot) is found statewide. This species is a dark mahogany brown overall with a white band on the anterior of the abdomen. In some individuals, an additional white median stripe on the anterior of the abdomen is also present and is often connected to the white band. This is more pronounced in females than males. This species may be found inside buildings but is also commonly found under logs and rocks.

S. triangulosa (Triangulate Combfoot) is a non-native species that is more common inside buildings than S. borealis. Because of this, this species is also likely to be found statewide though it is not known from the northern third of the state. Their name comes from the pale pattern on the brownish abdomen.

S. albomaculata (White-spotted False Widow) is the least known member of the genus in Minnesota but probably also occurs statewide. I have most often found them under rocks in open habitats. As the common name suggests, they have white spots on their abdomen and are somewhat similar to S. triangulosa.

S. borealis:
S. triangulosa:
S. albomaculata:

Happy spidering!

Publicado el noviembre 16, 2022 09:00 TARDE por cheins1 cheins1


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