Archivos de diario de mayo 2016

02 de mayo de 2016

A BioDiversity Success!

I am excited with the biodiversity that you all have captured during our first Virtual Spring BioBlitz! I think it was a great success and look forward to other such online inventories of Oklahoma's species.

If you want to be considered for the 3rd Challenge (photographic observations of at least 3 species that had not been recorded at the time), please comment on this post below with the 3 observations listed.

I will be announcing the winners of the overall awards as soon as I calculate them.

Thanks to everyone who participated - observers and identifiers!

Priscilla Crawford
BioBlitz! Coordinator

Publicado el mayo 2, 2016 05:35 TARDE por priscillacrawford priscillacrawford | 6 comentarios | Deja un comentario

17 de mayo de 2016

Challenge Awards!

Sorry to keep you all in suspense. Wanted to give the experts a chance to identify observations before we tallied everything up. Well, there are definitely a core group of you who are TOP observers! There was lots of overlap, but I wanted spread the love as much as possible, so you are only eligible for one of the last challenge prizes.

Highest number of research grade observations: Aaron Goodwin (goody)
Most species: Bill Carrell (cordulegaster58obliqua)
Greatest diversity of taxa: Bill Adams (badams)
Last challenge of 3 newly observed species: Matt (teriyaki12), Lynn Michael (jlmichael), and jlzachary1

You can choose your prize from the following:
--Free BioBlitz! Oklahoma event registration (includes t-shirt)
--BioBlitz! kit (includes student quality insect net and aquatic net, dip net, live mammal trap, water bottle, sample vials, and some other misc fun stuff all in a bucket)
--Copy of an Oklahoma field guide or book (choose from: Herps, Bats, Butterflies, Trees, Tallgrass Wildflowers, or Landscaping for Wildlife)

Publicado el mayo 17, 2016 07:48 TARDE por priscillacrawford priscillacrawford | 3 comentarios | Deja un comentario
