Archivos de diario de septiembre 2022

09 de septiembre de 2022

Basic Project Description and Useful Links

The following is in the "About" section of the project, but pasted here as well for convenience:

This is a project users can add their observations to that they've submitted to the Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program's Heritage Hub. One can submit their observations of state-listed or watch-listed species here:

Curious if any of your observations are of species of interest to the state? Check out these projects! By Clicking "View All" under Recent Observations then filtering to your observations one can see a list of all species of concern that they have observed (hint: by joining the project a badge will be added to any observation of yours that is state- or watch-listed).

Once you have submitted to NHESP, feel free to add to this project! This is a convenient way to track observations you HAVE submitted to NHESP, but is an even more convenient way to track what you HAVEN'T. Use the link below (replacing "yourusernamehere" with your username) to see all of the state- and watch-listed species you haven't submitted to the Heritage Hub!,massachusetts-state-listed-species&verifiable=any&not_in_project=submitted-to-massachusetts-natural-heritage-and-endangered-species-program&user_id=yourusernamehere

Publicado el septiembre 9, 2022 04:40 TARDE por natemarchessault natemarchessault | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
