Identification of Milkweeds in Texas - Revision

Identification of Milkweeds in Texas has been revised. The only change in content from the previous revision is the photos in the description of Asclepias emoryi. The previous photos were incorrect. It also has minor layout changes. There have been other revisions and corrections over the last two years. Revision numbers are not marked on the document so if you downloaded a copy it will not be clear which revision you have, except by comparing content.

The document location is

Unfortunately TPWD Creative & Interactive Services was, in my opinion, too aggressive with file size reduction by reducing the resolution and increasing the compression level of the photos. As a result the photo and map quality is well below that of earlier versions. I'm keeping my downloaded previous version for now.

The URL above should now be the only location for the document. Until recently at least one other location was active and contained a different revision. If you run across another URL location for this document on the TPWD web site or see a different URL given in a TPWD Publication, please report it to TPWD Creative Services. Or tell me and I will pass it along.

Staff List: Email addresses are not stated. However TPWD email addresses are structured as

Publicado el abril 22, 2017 02:46 TARDE por gregglee gregglee


thank you for sharing this -- and helping us stay current

Publicado por ellen5 hace alrededor de 6 años

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