

Under Researched Animals: Part Two Of A Weekly Series | Week two

Everyone who has subscribed to these posts, I'm sorry for the delay I've been quite busy with things and I'll be sure to keep these going, but "weekly" is hard for me to keep up as of right now.

Ok, without further delay let's get right into today's topic: Endangered, Endemic, or Otherwise Rare Animals.

On the last post we talked about some rare animals such as the gopher tortoise, but I also tried to stress that you can do a big part with the common species around you and while that is true, that isn't to say the helping with the rarer animals isn't helpful because, of course, it is! I encourage everyone to go and do some research on the endemic and rare animals of their area. More always exists to learn! For example, I just found out that the Anastasia Beach Mouse is present in my area and I am already planning an expedition to gather track data on it.

People are reading this from their own neck of the woods so I won't get to specific on animals ...más ↓

Publicado el marzo 27, 2024 03:52 TARDE por cs16-levi cs16-levi | 2 comentarios | Deja un comentario
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This project is specific to observations of Tracks or Signs of animals that have little to know knowledge regarding them. Our team will do the best we can to keep everyone up-to-date on specific animals that have little known data that you can go out and track yourselves and submit here.

Think of this project like the other project that is built to house all of the observations that ...más ↓

cs16-levi creó este proyecto el 28 de febrero de 2024
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