Thank you

Wow - thank you! I'm so happy with how the event went, so many observations and species. I am grateful for everyone who ran with the challenges and bingo. I personally found them to help a lot in "channeling" my curiosity when looking for wildlife and making the learning process more rich. I forced myself to sit by a bird feeder and wait... finally seeing some feisty blue jays, a mating pair of wrens and recording some crows cawing as they flew overhead. A red-tailed hawk was in the distance, but alas I was not able to check off the challenge and bingo box for finding a bird of prey.

We will do this again. Next year we will have a Wild Worldwide 2022 and I hope to ramp it up some more. For example, get some shirts made up with the profits going directly to a conservation non-profit. We could even do some giveaways! And I hope to get even more participants from all around the world.

But... we won't have to wait so long. I am planning an arthropod-focused Blitz for early September. More info on that will come soon. We will be on the lookout for insects, arachnids, crustaceans and more!

Anyway, cheers to everyone who participated. I hope you all had just as much fun as I had.


Publicado el junio 29, 2021 12:21 MAÑANA por arthropodarchives arthropodarchives


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