Archivos de diario de febrero 2015

07 de febrero de 2015

New discoveries and plans for a BioBlitz!

I'm in the Kew Madagascar Conservation Centre (KMCC) this week to talk to the team here about progress on the Zavamaniry Gasy project. My last message was on 29th July 2014! I can't believe the months have flown by. I'm happy to report some impressive statistics on the project - since July we have added over 500 new observations (521 at time of writing), giving a grand total of 532 since we started. We are now up to 331 taxa and a healthy number of new members (25).

At present 'rakotoarinivo' has the highest number of observations with a stunning set of palms occurring all over Madagascar. However, he is fast being caught up by 'romer' who just posted his 100th observation. Well done guys! I particularly like a recent observation of a fungi from romer:

Blue Basidiomycota - can anyone provide an ID?!

In other news we had a meeting with our friends from Conservation International, Missouri Botanic Garden, the Rebioma Project, and the University of Antananarivo at the California Academy of Sciences office here in Antananarivo. I presented the project and we discussed plans for a collaborative BioBlitz to be held in September this year. This must be the first plant oriented BioBlitz in Madagascar! Very exciting! We'll keep you posted as the plans develop.


Publicado el febrero 7, 2015 09:39 MAÑANA por stevenkew stevenkew | 2 comentarios | Deja un comentario