Atención: Algunas o todas las identificaciones afectadas por esta división puede haber sido reemplazada por identificaciones de Cruciatae. Esto ocurre cuando no podemos asignar automáticamente una identificación a uno de los taxa de salida. Revisar identificaciones de Senega cruciata 1569004

Taxonomic Split 145999 (Guardado el 20/08/2024)

Senega aquilonia:

Senega cruciata:

Polygala aquilonia has been recognized as a valid species distinct from Polygala cruciata since 2017, but not on iNaturalist.

Since only a few observations have been identified as Polygala cruciata var. aquilonia in the past, there is now the problem that many observations that are currently assigned to the species Senega cruciata actually belong to Senega aquilonia, especially in the northern regions.

Unfortunately, there is a relatively large overlap in the distribution areas, so many plants have to be re-identified because they may belong to either species.

Añadido por kai_schablewski el agosto 20, 2024 09:26 TARDE | Comprometido por kai_schablewski el 20 de agosto de 2024
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