Taxonomic Swap 146140 (Guardado el 22/08/2024)

This combination Condaliopsis obtusifolia var. canescens has not been published anywhere. The basionym Condalia divaricata is placed as Condaliopsis divaricata according to the reference on which this exchange is based.

Ziziphus segregates in the USA and Me... (Referencia)
Añadido por oscargsol el agosto 23, 2024 03:06 MAÑANA | Comprometido por oscargsol el 22 de agosto de 2024
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@oscargsol thanks for your work on this. FYI, this swap, made without also splitting C. obtusifolia s.l., has thrown what appears to be several hundred observations back up to genus level because IDs of C. obtusifolia s.l. now conflict with new IDs of C. divaricata. For example, my observation here: (this one is easy to fix when I update my ID but there appear to be 300+ observations, perhaps more, similarly affected).

Publicado por djringer hace 26 días

I know, I realized it would be a problem to do so, but finding that a non-existent subspecies had previously been created by a previous taxonomic change seemed to me to be a greater problem than what would result from this change.

Publicado por oscargsol hace 26 días

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