Taxonomic Swap 116276 (Guardado el 01/11/2022)

Barlow's Lark is lumped with Dune Lark following Donald and Alström (in preparation), who show that barlowi is essentially indistinguishable from nominate erythrochlamys, and that the taxa patae and cavei are better treated as subspecies (or perhaps even color morphs of erythrochlamys). Genetic divergence, at least as measured by mitochondrial DNA, between Barlow's and Dune larks is very shallow (Alström et al. 2013), and their songs appear to be indistinguishable.

Añadido por birdwhisperer el noviembre 2, 2022 05:07 MAÑANA | Comprometido por birdwhisperer el 01 de noviembre de 2022
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