Taxonomic Swap 142189 (Guardado el 11/04/2024)

rename Nearctodesmidae to Nearctodesminae, subfamily of Macrosternodesmidae, per Shear et al 2017 and millibase

Añadido por jfmantis el abril 11, 2024 02:31 MAÑANA | Comprometido por jfmantis el 11 de abril de 2024
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fyi @derhennen, as the top IDer of this family and the author (I believe) of the corresponding change on millibase

Publicado por jfmantis hace 6 meses

Thanks for the tag @jfmantis; this is the correct current classification for this taxon, as detailed in the source Shear & Reddell 2017 (

Publicado por derhennen hace 6 meses

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