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Zancudos Gigantes (Superfamilia Tipuloidea)




Mayo 16, 2024 a las 09:39 TARDE PDT


I observed this beautiful little free living hexapoda in Venice Ca at appx 940pm for about 5 mins in total as it was at first flying around my living room looking panicked. It had a 3 inch wing span and a lovely green abdomen, and was very docile as they usually are. I know its common name is a mosquito eater and it’s amongst one of my most favorite hexapods.

It let me catch him or her gently as a cupped my hands together slowly after it landed on one that I had extended out and since I had just washed them when I took it out to my balcony to release it, it chose to stay a whole on my hands and gently drink water with its mandibles off the back of my hand before flying away after a few minutes.

It was a bitter sweet farewell and I wish it the best and many delicious mosquito dinners :) the temperature is about 59 degrees out I see but it feels more like 70 to me bit perhaps because I’m sipping on a fine single malt before I make a late dinner… lol! But seriously we had a moment.