I only got the tail end of it but I am 100% sure that it's an indigo I've seen it 3 times now in the same area
Under a paver
Adult observed active in tall grass during daylight on an overcast day, following rain (days previous). Some local flooding. Hard to see but its in there. Image supplied by Nick Mercado.
AOR female, found during light showers during a week of intense raining and resulting high waters. Pretty much already off the road when found, but moved a little bit further away in the direction of travel.
2 individuals. One acted very aggressively toward the other, as GCWA always do. Unsure if I was able to get photos of the 2nd bird, but the 3rd photo in this set may be it.
I'm not 100% sure what this MIKI is eating: at first, out in the field, I though it was a bird of some kind- possibly a Carolina wren. Then some of the photos on my camera made it look like a piece of fried chicken. Now that I am looking at the photos on my larger monitor, it looks like it might be a bat? I unfortunately did not have the best angle to capture the bird in action- the sun was in my face and there were trees in the way.
Update: It is (was) definitely a bat, and has been ID'd in a separate observation as an Eastern red bat (Lasiurus borealis). RIP bat.
In 2nd photo
Left: southern leopard
Right: plains leopard